You are currently viewing CHILD PROTECTION POLICY



All activities of MoveIt are implemented according to the human rights and children’s rights values and principles, the respect of which is always a matter of special focus and explicit attention.
Acknowledging that the undoubtable weight and sensitivity of this topic requires additional measures that would guarantee that children’s rights are highly respected and protected in its work, MoveIt has developed a Child Protection Policy which is binding for all members, employees, volunteers and external partners of the organization and its implementation is guaranteed by the Board, the Director and the Partners’ Assembly.
Following this general framework, MoveIt has defined specific rules and procedures, as well as a monitoring body, in order to achieve maximum level of children’s rights protection and limitation, provision and prevention of any risks related to that matter.
MoveIt’s Child Protection policy consists of four chapters, as follows:
A. General Principles
B. Prohibited actions
C. General guidelines and instructions
D. Child Protection Officer (CPO)
E. Reporting procedures
For more details, please read our Child Protection Policy by clicking in the attached document.

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