In the 4th of November 2022 MoveIt, took part in the Family Friendly Sports Stakeholders’ Meeting in Belgrade, Serbia, alongside with the Consortium members – Greece (A.C. AEET), Spain (NGO Backslash), North Macedonia (NGO Interkultura and WHC Metalurg), Belgium (INGO CONNECT International)and the hosting partners from Serbia (NGO Libero and KK Cerak), and other stakeholders.
In this meeting the participants, after being briefed about the phases of the project that have been complete, brainstormed about the basic elements of FFS and collaboratively developed examples of some model-sports clubs, whose identity and functioning is based on the concept and the general principles of FFS.
MoveIt played an active role in this meeting and collaborated with the other participants in discovering methods for the implementation of this new, pioneer concept on sports. As a result, Innovative ideas were set in the spotlight of our discussions, including the use of sports as a way toraise awareness for a range of social and environmental matters into the activities of the model-sports clubs, practical ways to facilitate the access of families in the exercising spaces, as well as ideas on how to promote the concept of FFC and achieve financial sustainability of Family Friendly Sport Clubs,.
Afterwards, MoveIt and the rest of the members of the Consortium planned the next steps of the project.
So, stay tuned for more relative actions!