You are currently viewing Call for PARTICIPANTS @ “Europeans Against Fake News” event in Greece

Call for PARTICIPANTS @ “Europeans Against Fake News” event in Greece

Do you want to join a fight against fake news and disinformation?

  • Are you a creative person ready to meet new people and learn new things?

Are you ready to work together with experts and peers in addressing fake news in Europe?

If your answer to these questions is YES, you are at the right place!

Wondering how?

We are organizing Europeans Against Fake News (EAF) event in Thessaloniki, Greece, where we will bring together large number of young people and engage them in a discussion about fake news that are surrounding online sphere. Through the series of creative activities mixing methodology of living libraries and collaborative workshops, we will work on enhancing media literacy and inspiring critical thinking of young people in order to enable them to learn how to recognize, debunk and deconstruct fake news. These events will address fake news on 4 topics in which the majority of the fake news today is created:

1. Fundamental rights in the time of Covid-19

2. Climate cha(lle)nge

3. Migration: “Hometown of disinformation and populist campaigns”

4. Euroscepticism as a democratic barrier

What will you get from this event?

Through participation at this event, you will:

  • enhance your media literacy,

  • learn how to critically analyze fake news,

  • boost your skills for creative thinking and design of socially engaging outputs that are addressing fake news, like escape game challenges,

  • make new friendships and have a fun and inspiring time with EAF team and your peers.

After EAF event you will have to put everything learned in practice by implementing the EAF escape game challenges that are addressing fake news on the streets of Thessaloniki.

Are you the one we are looking for?

If you are:

– Interested in fighting disinformation, strengthening critical thinking, and promoting European values and democracy. 

– From 18 to 30 years old,

– Coming from Greece,

– Able to communicate well in the English language,

– Willing to actively participate in the event during its entire duration;

We can’t wait for you to apply!

Where and how to apply?

You can apply by filling in the application form at:

The deadline for submitting the application is 30th of August 2023.

What if I get selected?

The event will take place in Thessaloniki, Greece, from 27th to 30th of September 2023. As there will be 4 different workshops during these days, each lasting one day and addressing one of the topics you selected, you will be informed on exact date when your one-day participation is expected. 

The organizers are covering all costs related to your food, coffee breaks and participation at this event. 

This project “Europeans Against Fake News” is co-funded by the European Union.

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